One - on - One

with Amita

What do you need help with?

I truly believe that our big dreams are attainable. Often we just need an objective outside perspective. It’s my mission to offer honest feedback on your work and goals, offer suggestions where they are needed and work with you to develop systems and a roadmap to get you there.

I am excited to share the knowledge I have accumulated over years of experience running my own successful product-based art business, Amicreative. Pairing the perfect artwork with the right product is a just be beginning to selling your art based products.  I have spend years learning and implementing the many aspects of running a successful art business, from product creation, managing inventory, creating sales channel to marketing. Through trial and error, education, and hands-on experience, I've elevated Amicreative to a nationally sold and licensed brand and looking forward to helping you skip some steps and get your art business up and running sooner. 

Together, let's create a business where joy takes precedence over overwhelm, allowing you to focus on your art with clarity and purpose. I'm excited to face these challenged together and turn your artistic aspirations into a thriving reality.

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  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Special Offer
Want a series of sessions to tackle a more challenging obstacle, or just want to spend more time creating a strong strategy for your art business?

Purchase additional sessions at a discounted rate and we can work together to schedule these sessions to make them as effective as possible.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xCoaching$200

All prices in USD

Asked Questions

  • What is the investment?
    A complete coaching session with Amita costs $200. Total payment is required before scheduling your appointment.
  • What happens after booking?
    After purchasing a coaching session you will receive an intake form and calendar link to choose your appointment time.
  • What is the intake form?
    The intake form needs to be completed at least 72 hours before are first appointment session. It is where you give me detailed information about your business, your pain points and what your goals are within our time together and within your art business.
  • When will I receive my Road Map of Action Items?
    After our call in completed you will receive your Road Map and a recording of our call within 72 hours.
  • What if I want to have additional sessions?
    As a returning coaching client, you have the options of adding sessions at a discounted rate. Please email me at and we can discuss what will work best for your situation.
  • Have additional Questions?
    Please email me at at anytime to discuss any questions you have to see if we would be a good fit.